Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Favorite Place In Israel

Rather a bold post name, I suppose, seeing as how I have only really done Israel 101. But, today we, me and two people I've been having out with, neither of whom speak English as their native language (which sure makes it interesting, let me tell you!) decided to be bold and figure out how to take the buses down to the shuk, the big open air market in Jerusalem. Surprisingly, this went just fine. It was in fact, very easy and I am no longer intimidate by buses (I say now). But, truly, the shuk is the place I most loved and was most looking forward to visiting again (FREQUENTLY) when/if I returned to Israel. Picture this. Blocks and blocks of an open air market. No, not like a farmer's market. That is such a terrible copy. The food, it has flies on it and sometimes adventurous pigeons. You can smell most of the food from 4 stalls down; olives, mangos, tomatoes, cilantro...And it is beautiful. Truly. The food, it is so bright and real, not waxy and pale like our American fruits and veg. The people themselves are just as varied. It is what I think of when I think of Israel. Dark, dark skinned Jews, loud Israeli Jews, Asian Jews, Arabs, Europeans, Americans, students, vicious old grandmas, etc. Everywhere, talking at once, shouting at each other, laughing with each other. Could have stayed there forever. If you ever have trouble finding me, that's where I'll be.
I also was able to use my Hebrew! The most exciting part was getting shouted at in response - but in Hebrew. I hope that simply means that the shouter believed I actually spoke Hebrew! I just poured out the 'Toda's (thank you) and the 'Slicha's (excuse me) and even asked a question in a full sentence ('Afo ha shuk?' Where is the shuk? Seeing as how we are ignorant and do not speak your language, but boarded this bus anyways).
Finding food has been interesting. I have eaten three meals consisting of bread, hummus, tomatoes and grapes. Yummm. Today I bought some rugelach from a very grouchy man. Surprisingly, I am not yet sick of my normal sandwich. It has many variations. For example, this morning I had a bowl of grapes and toasted the bread, then put olive oil and garlic salt (thanks, Mom) on it. Yummmmm. I proceeded to sit and stare at my beautiful view for 3 hours, while reading and chatting with my roommates. Hopefully I'll figure out how to vary this diet...I think I am in need of some protein...and calcium...and fiber. I'll get there!
I also looked up the Hebrew word for 'language' today and managed to change some of the settings on various websites to be in English. So now I no longer have to guess what each one is (guess meaning click on all of them until one does what you want it to). Go me! It's the little things. Taking the bus, figuring out the Internet, becoming immune to the constant crowing of the rooster who lives on the roof of the neighboring apartment building...the little things!
So, that's day 2 in my world. Please send me updates about yours! It's really nice to hear from people!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you made it to your favorite place. Conquering the small things is what it is all about. Hope you vary your diet.
